Whole School Events



Thursday, 8th August – Friday, 9th August

Orientation Week for New Staff

We welcome 14 new staff members to join XLIS this year. We are fortunate to have had another year of very low turnover, it being 6%. During this time we will learn unit planning, our online systems and get to know one another.



Monday, 12th August – Friday, 16th August

Orientation Week for All Staff

These five days of professional development will be a time for all staff to get back together. We will look at the XLIS strategic plan for the coming year and plan how we will achieve our goals. All staff will take our annual child protection training as well as reviewing key aspects of our policies. We will end the week with a community day when we welcome our most important stakeholders back, our students.



Thursday, 15th August

Community Day

A successful partnership between school and family helps develop confident and well-rounded students. The Community Day is designed for meeting with all parents, it will take place on August 15th, Thursday afternoon. It will be divided into Primary session and Secondary session, which are led by the Senior Leadership Team. Furthermore, the new academic student packages will be given to parents on this day. Please refer to the schedule below and further email from pr@xalis.com for further specific announcements.



August 15th, Thursday afternoon


Meet with Primary Principal 

(Introduce the PYP)


Meet with Secondary Principal 

(Introduce the MYP & DP)



Monday, 19th August

Start Semester 1

According to the school calendar, the first semester of 2024-2025 academic year is scheduled to begin on August 19th, 2024 (Monday). Please check the school emails regularly for any relevant notice.


Primary School Events


In August, we have two weeks to settle into the new semester and to get back into the routines of being in school. We do not schedule many events during this time to allow the students and their new teachers time to get to know one another. 
Each Friday in the primary school, we have an assembly in our Blue Dragon Theatre.  On August 23rd, the first assembly will be led by the principal, Ms. Marly Song. A schedule will be made for the year for a different grade level or specialist class to lead an assembly to demonstrate their learning.



Wednesday, 28th August

Meet the Teacher Night

In the primary school, parents will have the opportunity to meet their child’s homeroom teacher and TA, learn about the classroom expectations and routines, and find out more about the curriculum for the year. This is a good time to ensure parents are able to log-in to our communication platform “Seesaw” and to ask any questions about the class.


Click here for more details.

Author: XLIS