Unit 1: Elements of Art


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept


Global Context

Orientation in Space and Time

Statment of Inquiry

New ideas may emerge when reflecting on change through space and time.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion B,C

ATLs (Skills)

  • C – Give and receive meaningful feedback.
  • S – Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas
  • S – Encourage others to contribute
  • SM – Practice focus and concentration

Curriculum Standards

  • D1.1 create two- and three-dimensional art works that express feelings and ideas inspired by their own and others’ points of view
  • D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of composition, using selected principles of design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic
  • D1.3 use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, messages, and understandings
  • D1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine solutions to design challenges



Unit 2: Self-Portrait


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Personal and Cultural Expression

Statment of Inquiry

Identity can be created and expressed through composition.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A,Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

SM – Create plans to prepare for summative assessments (examinations and performances)

Managing time and tasks effectively

SM – Practise focus and concentration

SM – Practise “bouncing back” after adversity, mistakes and failures
Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas

Curriculum Standards

D2.1 interpret a variety of art works and identify the feelings, issues, themes, and social concerns that they convey

D2.2 explain how the elements and principles of design are used in their own and others’ art work to communicate meaning or understanding



Unit 3: Collage


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Personal and Cultural Expression

Statment of Inquiry

Artistry can make communication with an audience more effective.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A Criterion B

ATLs (Skills)

  • SM – Create plans to prepare for summative assessments (exams and performances)
  • SM – Practice focus and concentration
  • SM – Practice ‘bouncing back’ after adversity, mistakes and failures
  • T – Consider ideas from multiple perspectives
  • T – Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions

Curriculum Standards

  • D2.3 demonstrate an understanding of how to read and interpret signs, symbols, and style in art works
  • D2.4 identify and explain their strengths, their interests, and areas for improvement as creators, interpreters, and viewers of art



Unit:4 Sculpture


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)

Style Visual culture

Global Context

Identity and relationships

Statment of Inquiry

Ingenous experimentation can give rise to unique and beautiful creations.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion C,Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

  • SM – Practice dealing with disappointment and unmet expectations
  • SM – Practice being aware of body-mind connections
  • SM – Select and use technology effectively and productively
  • SM – Keep an organized and logical system of information files/notebooks

Curriculum Standards

  • D3.1 identify and describe some of the ways in which art forms and styles reflect the beliefs and traditions of a variety of communities, times, and places
  • D3.2 demonstrate an understanding of key contributions and functions of visual and media arts in various contexts at both the local and the national levels


Unit 1:Elements of a Painting


9 Weeks

Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Orientation in Space and Time

Statment of Inquiry

Different styles can communicate identity to imact an audience.

Summative Assessment Criteria

CriterionB,Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

  • C – Give and receive meaningful feedback
  • SM – Keep an organized and logical system of information files/notebooks
  • SM – Practice strategies to overcome distractions
  • SM – Demonstrate perseverance and persistance

Curriculum Standards

  • D1.1 create art works, using a variety of traditional forms and current media technologies, that express feelings, ideas, and issues, including opposing points of view
  • D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of composition, using multiple principles of design and the “rule of thirds” to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic



Unit 2: Cubist Art


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Fairness and Development (inequality)

Statment of Inquiry

Composition can raise awareness and lead to increased community engagment and change.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A,Criterion C

ATLs (Skills)

  • R – Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources
  • R – Compare, contrast and draw connections among (multi)media resources
  • T – Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations
  • S – Encourage others to contribute

Curriculum Standards

  • D1.3 use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, messages, and understandings for a specific audience and purpose
  • D1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and technologies to determine solutions to increasingly complex design challenges



Unit 3:Sculpture


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)

Visual Culture

Global Context

Personal and Cultural Expression

Statment of Inquiry

Asthetic style is expressed differnetly across culture and social contexts.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A,Criterion B

ATLs (Skills)

  • R – Collect, record and verify data
  • R – Make connections between various sources of information
  • SM – Set goals that are challenging and realistic
  • SM – Select and use technology effectively and productively

Curriculum Standards

  • D2.1 interpret a variety of art works and identify the feelings, issues, themes, and social concerns that they convey
  • D2.2 explain how the elements and principles of design are used in their own and others’ art work to communicate meaning or understanding
  • D2.3 demonstrate an understanding of how to read and interpret signs, symbols, and style in art works
  • D2.4 identify and explain their strengths, their interests, and areas for improvement as creators, interpreters, and viewers of art



Unit 4:Art Through Music


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes



Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)

Expression Style

Global Context

Personal and Cultural Expression

Statment of Inquiry

Different styles of expression can facilitate self-discovery and enhance wellbeing.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion C

Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

  • R – Compare, contrast and draw connections among (multi)media resources
  • R – Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats
  • SM – Practice strategies to overcome impulsiveness and anger
  • T – Make guesses, ask “what if” questions and generate testable hypotheses

Curriculum Standards

  • D3.1 identify and describe some of the ways in which visual art forms and styles reflect the beliefs and traditions of a variety of cultures and civilizations
  • D3.2 demonstrate an understanding of the function of visual and media arts in various contexts today and in the past, and of their influence on the development of personal and cultural identity

Unit 1:Photography


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Scientific and Technical Innovation

Statment of Inquiry

Digital technology can lead to innovative creations to communicate feelings.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion B,Criterion C

ATLs (Skills)

  • R – Understand the impact of media representations and modes of presentation
  • R – Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats
  • R – Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on their appropriateness to specific tasks.
  • R – Make informed choices about personal viewing experiences

Curriculum Standards

  • D1.1 create art works, using a variety of traditional forms and current media technologies, that express feelings, ideas, and issues and that demonstrate an awareness of multiple points of view
  • D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of composition, using multiple principles of design and other layout considerations such as composi- tional triangles to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic


Unit 2:Exhibition


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Identity and relationships

Statment of Inquiry

Different styles can reflect identity to imact an audience.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A

Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

  • SM – Practice positive thinking
  • SM – Practice dealing with change
  • T – Recognize and evaluate propositions
  • T – Evaluate evidence and arguments

Curriculum Standards

  • D1.3 use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, messages, and understandings for a specific audience and purpose
  • D1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, techniques, and technologies to determine solutions to increasingly complex design challenges


Unit 3 Expressing a Global Issue Through Art IDU

10 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)

Interpretation Presentation

Global Context

Globalisation and Sustainability

Statment of Inquiry

Artistic interpretation can be used to bring change to the world.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A

Criterion B

ATLs (Skills)

R – Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources
R – Collect, record and verify data
C – Use intercultural understanding to interpret communication
C – Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication

Curriculum Standards

D2.1 interpret a variety of art works and identify the feelings, issues, themes, and social concerns that they convey

D2.2 analyse ways in which elements and principles of design are used in a variety of art works to communicate a theme or message, and eval- uate the effectiveness of their use on the basis of criteria generated by the class
D2.3 demonstrate an understanding of how to read and interpret signs, symbols, and style in art works art works



Unit 4:Grafitti


10 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)

Genre Innovation

Global Context

Orientation in Space and Time

Statment of Inquiry

New genres may emerge when innovations are adopted by others.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion C,Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

  • C – Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers
  • C – Collaborate with peers and experts using a variety of digital environments and media
  • T – Draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations
  • T – Evaluate and manage risks

Curriculum Standards

  • D2.4 identify and explain their strengths, their interests, and areas for improvement as creators, interpreters, and viewers of art
  • D3.1 identify and explain some of the ways in which artistic traditions in a variety of times and places have been maintained, adapted, or appropriated
  • D3.2 identify and analyse some of the social, political, and economic factors that affect the creation of visual and media arts and the visual and media arts community

Unit 1:Emotion in art


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Identity and relationships-Happiness and good life

Statment of Inquiry

Communication in Art moves the soul to reveal happiness and good life to an audience.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion B,Criterion C

ATLs (Skills)

  • SM – Plan short and long term assignments; meet deadlines
  • SM – Demonstrate perseverance and persistance
  • T – Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways

Curriculum Standards

  • A1.1 use a variety of strategies, individually and/or collaboratively, to generate ideas and to develop plans for the creation of art works
  • A1.2 use exploration/experimentation, reflection, and revision when producing a variety of art works in each of the following areas: drawing, sculpture, painting, and printmaking
  • A1.3 document their use of the creative process in a portfolio
  • A3.1 explore and experiment with a variety of materials/media, including alternative media, and traditional and/or emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and apply them to create art works
  • A3.2 demonstrate appropriate ways to prepare their art works for presentation
  • A3.3 demonstrate an understanding of some of the ways in which artworks can be pesented to reach a variety of audiences
  • C1.3 identify the stages of the creative process and the critical analysis process using appropriate terminology
  • C2.1 demonstrate an understanding of some techniques that artists use to achieve specific effects
  • C2.2 demonstrate an understanding of some of the conventions used in visual art works
  • C3.2 demonstrate safe and conscientious practices associated with the use of materials, tools, and technologies in visual arts
  • C3.3 demonstrate an understanding of how the production and presentation of art works can affect the environment, and apply environmentally responsible practices when creating and presenting art works



Unit 2:Art Inspired by Nature


9 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Personal and Cultural Expression – artistry & craft

Statment of Inquiry

The interpretation of nature through artistry and craft leads to creative and aesthetic expression.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A,Criterion B,Criterion C,Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

  • R – Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information
  • SM – Plan short and long term assignments; meet deadlines

Curriculum Standards

  • B1.1 identify and describe their initial reactions to a variety of art works
  • B1.2 identify, on the basis of examination, elements and principles of design used in various art works, and describe their effects
  • B1.3 explore and interpret a variety of art works, both historical and contemporary, to identify and describe their purpose and style, the mate- rials used, and the meanings the works convey
  • B2.1 identify the functions of various types of art works
  • B2.2 identify and describe ways in which various art works reflect the society in which they were created
  • C1.1 use appropriate terminology when identifying and describing the use of elements and principles of design in their own art works and the works of others
  • C1.2 use appropriate vocabulary to describe techniques, materials, and tools when creating and presenting visual art works
  • B2.3 identify and describe ways in which creating and/or analysing art works has affected their personal identity and values
  • C3.1 identify some legal and ethical issues associated with visual arts
  • C3.3 demonstrate an understanding of how the production and presentation of art works can affect the environment, and apply environmentally responsible practices when creating and presenting art works



Unit 3: Through my Eyes


12 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Orientation in Space and Time – naturan and human landscapes and resources

Statment of Inquiry

Artists reveal identity and preserve moments in time.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A,Criterion B,Criterion C,Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

  • T – Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument
  • T – Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or ideas
  • T – Identify obstacles and challenges
  • S – Make fair and equitable decisions

Curriculum Standards

  • A1.2 use experimentation, reflection, and revision when producing a variety of art works in each of the following areas: drawing, sculpture, painting, printmaking, and mixed media
  • A1.3 document their use of the creative process in a portfolio
  • A3.1 explore and experiment with a variety of materials/media, including alternative media, and traditional and/or emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and apply them to create art works
  • C1.3 identify the stages of the creative process and the critical analysis process using appropriate terminology
  • C2.1 demonstrate an understanding of some techniques that artists use to achieve specific effects
  • C2.2 demonstrate an understanding of some of the conventions used in visual art works
  • C3.2 demonstrate safe and conscientious practices associated with the use of materials, tools, and technologies in visual arts
  • C3.3 demonstrate an understanding of how the production and presentation of art works can affect the environment, and apply environmen- tally responsible practices when creating and presenting art works
  • B1.4 use a variety of strategies to identify and reflect on the qualities of their own art works and the works of others, and evaluate the effectiveness of these works
    affected their personal identity and values
  • B3.2 identify a variety of secondary and postsecondary pathways and careers related to visual arts



Unit 1:Identity Through Art


6 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Orientation in Space and Time – heritage

Statment of Inquiry

Art heritage preserves the expression of identity.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criteria A,Criteria B

ATLs (Skills)

  • SM – Plan short and long term assignments; meet deadlines
  • SM-Managing time and tasks effectively
  • SM – Demonstrate perseverance and persistance
  • SM-Reconsidering the process of learning; choosing and using ATL skills
  • SM-Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning
  • R-Collect, record and verify data

Curriculum Standards

  • A1.1 use a variety of strategies, individually and/or collaboratively, to generate ideas and to develop plans for the creation of art works
  • A1.3 document their use of the creative process in a portfolio and refer to this portfolio to reflect
  • A1.2 use experimentation, reflection, and revision when producing a variety of art works in each of the following areas: drawing, sculpture, painting, printmaking, and mixed media
  • A2.1 use various elements and principles of design to create art works that express personal feelings and/or communicate emotions to an audience
  • A2.2 apply elements and principles of design as well as art-making conventions to create art works that communicate ideas, information, or messages, and/or that convey a point of view on an issue


Unit 2:Art Connects


6 Weeks

Learner Profile Attributes


Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Fairness and development-Imagining a hopeful future

Statment of Inquiry

Artists communicate a hopeful future to an audience.

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criteria C,Criteria D

ATLs (Skills)

  • SM – Plan short and long term assignments; meet deadlines
  • T – Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways
  • T-Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information
  • T-Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or ideas
  • T-Utilizing skills and knowledge in multiple contexts

Curriculum Standards

  • A3.2 demonstrate appropriate ways to prepare their art works for presentation
  • B1.1 identify and describe their initial reactions to a variety of art works, and explain the reasons for their reactions
  • B1.4 use a variety of strategies to identify and reflect on the qualities of their own art works and the works of others, and evaluate the effectiveness of these works


Unit 3 :PCUP-The Art of Connection


14 Weeks

Key Concept 


Related Concept(s)


Global Context

Orientation in space and time – natural and human landscapes and resources

Statment of Inquiry

Art reflects interconnectedness across space and time

Summative Assessment Criteria

Criterion A,Criterion B,Criterion C,Criterion D

ATLs (Skills)

  • SM – Organisational Skills
  • T – Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument
  • T – Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways
  • T – Identify obstacles and challenges
  • T – Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects  and/or ideas
  • C – Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information
  • T – Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning
  • R – Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information
  • R – Make connections between various sources of information
  • R – Make informed choices about personal viewing experiences
  • S – Make fair and equitable decisions

Curriculum Standards

  • A1.2 use exploration/experimentation, reflection, and revision when producing a variety of art works in each of the following areas: drawing, sculpture, painting, and printmaking
  • A1.3 document their use of the creative process in a portfolio and refer to this portfolio to reflect
  • A2.2 apply elements and principles of design as well as art-making conventions to create art works that communicate ideas, information, or messages, and/or that convey a point of view on an issue
  • A3.1 explore and experiment with a variety of materials/media, including alternative media, and traditional and/or emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and apply them to create art works
  • A3.2 demonstrate appropriate ways to prepare their art works for presentation
  • B1.1 identify and describe their initial reactions to a variety of art works, and explain the reasons for their reactions
  • B1.2 identify, on the basis of examination, elements and principles of design used in various art works, and describe their effects
  • B1.4 use a variety of strategies to identify and reflect on the qualities of their own art works and the works of others, and evaluate the effectiveness of these works
  • B2.1 identify and describe the function of various types of art works
  • B2.3 identify and describe ways in which creating and/or analysing art works has affected their personal identity and values
  • C1.1 use appropriate terminology when identifying and describing the use of elements and principles of design in their own art works and the works of others
  • C1.2 use appropriate vocabulary to describe techniques, materials, and tools when creating and presenting visual art works
  • C1.3 identify the stages of the creative process and the critical analysis process using appropriate terminology
  • C2.1 demonstrate an understanding of some techniques that artists use to achieve specific effects
  • C3.2 demonstrate safe and conscientious practices associated with the use of materials, tools, and technologies in visual arts


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International Community, Xi’an,
Shaanxi, China, 710100

School Open Hours

Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 17:00 PM (GMT+8)


+86 (29) 85915100-8000
+86 (29) 85915100-8001

