DP2 August – October 2022 Overview

Class Group: DP2 Period: August-October Homeroom Teacher: Mona meng Shameek Ghosh In our homeroom, we discuss all the challenges that students face in the 2nd year of DP. We have talked about global competencies and tips for revising. We are also looking at decision-making skills and the need to have a healthy mind and body…

DP1 August – October 2022 Overview

Class Group: DP1 Period: August-October Homeroom Teacher: Kelvin Tian, Kate Yu Unit Title: Get Ready with Diploma Program Concept: Understanding DP ATL Skills: Thinking, Self-management Introduce ATL skills students need to do well in DP and in their future endeavours. Make connections with university applications and personal development. Do exercises in different contexts. Help Your…

MYP5 August – October 2022 Overview

Class Group: M5 Period: August-October Homeroom MYP5A Teachers: Sophia Suo, Tanapat (Ice) Treyanurak MYP5B Teacher: Nathan Kim, Emma Yang MYP5 Homeroom marks the beginning of the end of our MYP journey. Students have kick-started the year with an introduction to the Personal Project led by Ms. Emma. Additionally, we are placing heavy emphasis on living…

MYP4 August – October 2022 Overview

Class Group: M4 Period: Aug-Oct Homeroom MYP4A & MYP4B Teachers: Sky Du, Keon Yang, Jane Feng, Scott ATL skills: Self-Management—Affective Skills Self-Management—Reflection Skills Communication skill—Email etiquette Help your child by: Schedule weekly or monthly talk with your kids, make sure they are emotionally healthy and academically on target. Help them plan time wisely at home…

MYP3 August – October 2022 Overview

Class Group: M3 A/B Period: August – October Homeroom Teachers: MYP3A Kyle Jooste & Tracy Shi Teachers: MYP3B Jonathon Lee & Jasmin Sun Unit Title: Getting to Know Each Other ATL skills: Self-Management—Affective Skills Self-Management—Reflection Skills Communication skill—Email etiquette Help your child by: Reminding them to use their diaries to write in their homework and…