This series allows our community to connect with our alumni and learn the great work they are doing around the globe. The XLIS mission to enable confident, open-minded global citizens is evident in their lives.
Years you have studied at XLIS?
2014–2019 (PYP3–MYP2)
What brought your family to XLIS / Xi’an?
My family moved to Xi’an for my dad who was studying Mandarin at university. After a few months of homeschooling, we met some people from XHIS and went to the 2014 Spring Fair where we got to learn more about the school. We thought it would be a great place to learn and an opportunity to meet more people, so we decided to enrol soon afterwards. My mum later started working as a science and maths teacher at XHIS too.
Where are you located now?
I’m now back in my home country of Australia, living in a town called Oran Park in South-West Sydney.
What are you doing now?
Most of my week is spent at the University of Wollongong, where I am currently in my second year of studying a double degree in a Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (major: Sociology) and a Bachelor of International Studies (major: Global Sustainable Development). Clearly growing up at XLIS sparked my interest in international affairs and cultures which now inspires me to study how our world works!
When I’m not at university, I work in outdoor recreation, childcare, and music tutoring where I enjoy teaching children important skills and having fun together. I also enjoy hobbies like reading, watching musical theatre, playing netball, and practicing my Mandarin.
What’s your fondest memory of XLIS?
It is really hard to choose! I loved SDG projects, Kindness Day, and Week Without Walls, but I think the highlight of my years at XLIS was always International Day, celebrating the United Nations International Day of Peace each September. I have great memories of dressing up in classic Aussie outfits (usually beach clothes and Australian flags!) and bringing in Anzac biscuits and fairy bread to share. It was always amazing seeing everyone representing their cultures and being able to learn more about our beautiful and diverse world. The food stalls were the best! The day always made my family appreciate the unique opportunity we had to connect with such a range of different people and experiences at XLIS.
Please share a story on how you are still making a difference today.
After I finish my studies at university I hope to work in the humanitarian field and poverty relief. So, at the moment I’m making a difference by doing my best in all my classes so that I will be well equipped to serve the world in the future! In the meantime, I’ve recently become a volunteer at a local community welfare and drop-in centre where I help out in the charity’s food pantry. I always found the Service as Action at XLIS really meaningful, and since leaving Xi’an I missed having that regular opportunity to help others and make a difference at a local level. So, I decided to find a charity here in Sydney which could use some of my time when I’m not studying or working, and I’m loving it! I’ve met so many kind and hardworking people, and I’ve enjoyed continuing to grow my experience in community service that began in Xi’an.