Weekly letters published to the XLIS Community from our principals.
Dear parents , Hope you are having a great day ahead. I would like to highlight some of the current and future happenings at school recently. 1. In-School PD-Our secondary team has been engaging in-school professional development over the past two days (November 18 &19). We have been exploring ideas and strategies related to…
Dear parents, Good morning! I hope this email finds you all well and that you are enjoying this extended weekend with your family. The XLIS staff have all been participating in Professional Development this week, with the primary division focusing on elevating reading instruction for our multi-lingual learners. Erin Kent Consulting (EKC) is…
Dear parents, I am delighted to be sharing a newsletter with you on what is perhaps one of the best aspects of our school, a culture of inclusion. One of the things the leadership at XLIS strives for is transparency. This is why we have provided our academic policies on our website here as well as…
Dear Parents, Hope this e-mail finds you in good health. As winter approaches, we would like to remind you to stay healthy and keep warm. October has been eventful as we met with you for our three way conferences and followed this up with our literacy week activities. Our secondary students have quite…
Dear Parents , Good morning! I hope this email finds you very well! I have just come from the swimming pool where I was watching our primary students participate in the competition that marks the end of our 8 week swimming unit. It’s incredible to see how confident and poised they are in the…
Dear Parents , I hope you are enjoying these beautiful autumn days. I would like to share some updates regarding XLIS student reports and the Parent Teacher Conference, in response to questions raised at the October 22nd PTA meeting. Student Reports XLIS students receive three reports each academic year: Progress Report: Issued…
Dear Parents, Good morning, I hope you are doing well. Last Friday, we have sent home the progress reports, which are formative and give you guidance on learning attitudes, habits and aptitude. It is essential to read the progress report along with your child to understand how we can all help together. Parent Teacher Conferences…
Dear Parents, Good morning, I hope that this email finds you well! On Friday of last week, you should have received your child’s first Progress Report card for this semester. This is an interim report, intended to give you an idea of how your child has started the year and how they have…
Dear Parents, I hope you are enjoying the change in weather and first semester at XLIS. It was lovely to meet you all last month during our international day celebration. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy meeting the students each Monday morning and hearing about their weekend. XLIS Strategic Plan Our vision…
Dear Parents, Good afternoon to all and I hope you have had a wonderful time with family during the golden week holiday. Now that we are back, we have some important events coming up apart from a rigorous month of teaching and learning. Parent Workshop and open days On the 9th of October (Wednesday),…