Dear parents,
Is it just me, or does it seem that the weeks are going by faster? The days are growing warmer, and the flowers have started to bloom. I always find that this part of the school year goes so quickly, and then before we know it, we are approaching the end of the year.
This week, we have a few events that we are very excited about!
– Today, we are having our Maker Fair event, with the theme this year “Lego Space Adventure – From Bricks to Rockets”. Students have been asked to bring in some Lego bricks to school. They will be given two class periods this afternoon to create a Space-themed project that will be displayed in our corridors. I am excited to see where our students’ imaginations take them!
– On Thursday, March 13th we will have the parent workshop “Exploring the Differences Between Conventional Education and the IB PYP Approach” led by Mr. Romann Loubser and Mr. Alex Zhu, our P6A teaching team. In addition, all primary students from P1 – P6 will have a dental check-up that has been organized by our Health Center!
– On Saturday, we can’t wait for our Blue Dragon’s Basketball season to kick off with our first games at Dehong, starting at 9:00. Let’s Go Dragons!
Sports Day
I would like to jump ahead now, just a little, to Monday, March 24th, our annual XLIS Sports Day!
We continue to reflect on and adjust our annual Sports Day to make it the best day of fun and competition for our students and families. We hope to raise the school spirit of our students, create friendly competition, and involve our parents in the event. This will be a full day of sport and competition that will be a whole-school event!
All students from Early Years to High School have been placed into four house colours – red, green, purple, and yellow. Returning students will keep the same colour from last year, and our new students have been assigned to their colour team. Each student is encouraged to wear their team colour for the day on Monday, March 24th. Parents are invited to the event, and are welcome to represent their child’s team by also wearing their team colour! We hope you can all make it for this fun, community-driven event!
Dress Code
As the weather gets warmer and with many new community members, I would like to send a small reminder about our dress code for students. At XLIS, we ask our students to wear their school uniform daily. This includes the school shirt and navy blue pants or shorts/skirt. I recommend writing your child’s name on their school jackets as they are all the same, and when they end up in the lost and found, it’s difficult to know whose it is. Please also note that children are not to dye their hair or have colourful painted nails. You may refer to the handbook for your child’s year level for more details.
That is all for this week. Please email me at any time with how things are going or questions you may have about your child’s school life.
Marly Song
Primary Principal
WeChat: principal_marly