Unit of Inquiry
In this unit, students will be inquiring into the reasons why people migrate by looking at human migration throughout history and different types of migration. Students will investigate into how migration shapes the community and contributes to culture diversity.
Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are in Place and Time
Central Idea: Stories of migration build understanding of people’s challenges and opportunities.
Key Concepts:
1. Causation – Why is it as it is?
2. Perspective – What are the points of view?
3. Responsibility – What are our obligations?
Related Concepts: Interpretation, Contribution, Settlement
Lines of Inquiry:
1. The reasons why people migrate.
2. Migration throughout history.
3. Personal and social contributions of migration on communities and cultures.
Learner Profile Attributes: Principled & Knowledgeable
Approaches to Learning:
Social skills:
Interpersonal Relationships, Social & Emotional Intelligence-Interpersonal Relationships
SS1.1.13 Advocate for one’s own rights and needs, and those of others.
Thinking skills: Critical Thinking- Evaluating
T1.2.8 Synthesize new understandings by finding unique characteristics; seeing relationships and connections.
Research skills: Information Literacy – Formulating & Planning
R1.1.5 Evaluate and select appropriate information sources and/or digital tools based on the task.
Students will identify organizational patterns through reading and work on how to vary sentence types by using conjunctions to connect ideas, and pronouns to make links within and between sentences. They will produce revised, draft pieces of writing to meet identified criteria. For speaking and listening, students will demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in oral texts by summarizing important ideas and citing a variety of supporting details.
In this unit we will focus on number sense and numeration. Students will be working on reading, representing, composing, decomposing, and comparing/ordering numbers, fractions, and decimals. They will continue to build their operation skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) by inquiring into the connections of these operations and doing word problems.
Summative Assessment:
GRASPS Assessment. Students will create a migration story as novelists by making a graphic book based on the situation that ‘your publisher has asked you to write a personal story of migration that can be shared with children who are moving to a new environment. You are asked to invite to share a personal migration story’.
What can you do for your child at home:
1. Parents can share your migration stories or any migration stories of your family members.
2. Parents can show your child videos of migration in history or books about migration in mother tongue, such as ‘The Westward movement’, ‘The Guandong Adventure’, ‘Urbanization in China’, ‘Industrial Revolution’, ‘Silk road’.
Key Vocabulary:
Migration, Immigrant, Refugees, Environment, Culture, Settlement, Citizen, Contribution, Diversity, History