Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new year. I hope you all had a wonderful time with the family. We are in for a very busy 4 weeks before we break up for the Chinese New Year holiday.
Reports: The January reports will be sent on Friday 12th January. Please read the reports together with your child and prepare any queries you might have for the teachers. As indicated in the calendar, 17th January will be the 3-way conference when you will be able to meet the teachers. The teachers will send you a link where you can book your meeting time.
English Language & Literature classes: Unfortunately, M. Moran had to leave. To address this issue, M. Alex Rambaud is currently teaching this course to the M2 and M3 students. Ms. Quinlan will be teaching the M5. This is temporary until we get a new teacher.
M1 students: Students from M1 will be happy to know that they can bring their laptops to school from Monday 15th January. However, please remind them that any abuse of the devices will result in the removal of their privilege to use a laptop. The laptops should remain in the lockers during snack time and break time.
Workshop on Assessment & Reporting for the MYP parents: This event will be held on Thursday 11th January from 9:00 am-10:00am. Ms. Emma Yang, our MYP Coordinator will lead through the session. I hope to see many parents especially as you will receive the reports this week. The information that will be shared will help you understand the way the scores are calculated and the meaning of the final scores.
Attendance: As usual I would like to remind parents to ensure that students are in school till the last day of school before the holidays. Absences will impact the performance of the students.
Thank you for all your continuous suppport. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at
Jaimala Quinlan
Secondary Principal