Dear Parents,
I hope this email finds you all well! We were so happy to welcome several parents to school last week for our first two parent workshops! Thank you for your participation if you were able to join us, and if not, please consider attending one of the next ones! They are a great opportunity to meet other parents and to learn about topics brought forward by our parent community.
The month of September is very busy for our teachers and students as we collect our first set of data on our students’ reading, writing and mathematics levels. Our first schoolwide goal is to help our students develop in the XLIS language of instruction – English. The assessments we give are in line with our Ontario curriculum standards and help us understand more about our progress towards our first schoolwide goal
By September 22nd, our students would have completed all three of the assessments in these three areas, so their teachers can see the students’ strengths and areas to work on. This data helps our teachers plan future instruction and set goals for individual students. Our teachers will happily share this information with you and you will be able to discuss it further during the Parent Teacher interviews on October 25th. Of course, if you would like to arrange a time before the October conferences, our teachers are always available by appointment.
I would also like to take this opportunity to share our Communication Policy. Our 4th schoolwide goal at XLIS is to further develop our home/school communication and collaboration. In the primary school, we use Seesaw and email as the main forms of communication with parents. I will attach the communication policy to this email for you to check. Some items to note are:
- Please send any questions, messages about drop-off, pick-up or reasons for absence to the homeroom teacher in a timely manner. The homeroom teacher should always be the first person of contact about classroom/student queries.
- Please allow up to 24 hours to receive a reply to your messages as our teachers and TA’s will not be checking messages while they are teaching. If there is an urgent matter, you may phone our Student Center to get in touch with the teacher or send me a WeChat message (principal_marly).
Please read through the Communication Policy document and should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your homeroom teacher or myself.
We are excited to welcome parents for our next workshops and coming up next week will be our first series of Open Days where parents are invited to observe their child’s class. You will receive notice from our PR department soon about these events.
Have a wonderful week ahead, and I hope to hear from you soon,
Marly Song
Primary Principal