Unit of Inquiry
Welcome to lower primary PSPE. This first unit will deal with the interconnectedness of skills, strategies and safety measures found within the activity of swimming. Students through practice will begin to eliminate the psychological aspect of fear in relation to water and water sports activities. Students will learn a multitude of swimming movements that will range in the beginning from freestyle and gradually move to the final movement of breaststroke.
Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are
Central Idea: Physical activities require skills, strategies, and safety.
Key Concepts:
1. Function – How does it work?
2. Connection – How is it linked to other things?
3. Responsibility – What are our obligations?
Related Concepts: Teamwork, Winning, Losing
Lines of Inquiry:
1. Practicing skills leads to mastery.
2. Motivation is a key element to success.
3. Developing our physical, social, and emotional skills.
Learner Profile Attributes: Balanced & Risk-taker
Approaches to Learning:
Social Skills:
SS1.2.2 Manage anger and resolve conflict
SS1.2.2 Manage anger and resolve conflict
Thinking Skills:
T1.3.1 Apply rules, strategies, and ideas from one context to another.
Summative Assessment:
At the end of the unit, students will give a presentation that focuses on the two major swimming movements they have attempted and what skills, strategies and safety measures they felt were monumental in their learning process.
What can you do for your child at home:
1. Daily exercise and go swimming.
2. Talk about the importance of safety and watch some water sports on TV.
3. Have some discussions on possible strategies that can help your child attain their swimming goals more effectively.