Unit of Inquiry
In this unit, students will look at how music is notated and will work on their ability to respond to written music to create what is intended. We will work on our reading and writing skills in music notation. Students will practice playing xylophones and other percussion instruments with the correct technique. Students will work as a team to create music, focusing on keeping a steady beat while playing and singing together.
Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Express Ourselves
Central Idea: Music is a form of communication.
Key Concepts:
1. Function – How does it work?
2. Responsibility – What is our responsibility?
3. Causation – Why is it as it is?
Related Concepts: Notation, Communication, Techniques
Lines of Inquiry:
1. Reading Music – How we use notes and rhythm.
2. Writing Music – What are the characteristics of composition
3. Playing instruments – How do we play instruments
Learner Profile Attributes: Knowledgeable & Communicators
Approaches to Learning:
Thinking Skills:
T1.1.7 take knowledge or ideas apart by separating them into component parts.
Communication Skills:
C2.1.1 read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure.
What to Expect:
Students will be learning the elements of music and how to apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, composing, and arranging music to create a specific effect. They will also have a chance to learn and demonstrate an understanding of musical signs and standard notation on the five-line staff and use devised notation to record the sequence of sounds in a composition of their own. Eventually, they can identify the elements used in the music they perform, listen to, create, and describe how they are used.
Summative Assessment:
Students will write their own 4 measure piece of music, considering rhythm, pitch (5 line staff- C pentatonic), and dynamics. They will then record themselves playing it on the xylophone instruments, using the correct mallet technique.
What can you do for your child at home:
You can help support your child by making them aware of the symbols around them. Practicing this website with students to name notes in the Treble Clef will help them practice reading pitches on the music staff.