September Updated Events

Whole School Events   1. Staff PD and Early Release On the early release day for students, buses left campus at 2:30. XLIS staff were leading different sessions for other staff members.   2. Start of ECAs ECAs began on Thursday September 7th, 2023. Each ECA that we offer is structured to provide experiences designed to…

XLIS’ U.N. International Day of Peace, 2023

On September 21st, 2023, XLIS and its broader community came together to celebrate the  U.N. International Day of Peace!   This year’s theme: “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals”, prompted students from all year levels to inquire into to the concept of “peace” and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. But the learning journey…

CPPCC Foreign Affairs Committee Visited XLIS

On Thursday, September 21st, a delegation from the Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan Overseas Chinese, and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference visited XLIS with the aim of fostering friendly exchanges and providing advice and suggestions to enhance international education in Shaanxi. Present at the meeting were Dr.…

DP Retreat in Malaysia

“Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we would be able to treat life as art.”  – Maya.Angelou   On the 21st of August, 2023, our DP students of Grade 11 and 12 embarked on a week long trip to Malaysia as part of the DP retreat. The purpose of the…

September Upcoming Events

Whole School Events   1. Staff PD and Early Release – Wednesday, 6th September Wednesday will be an early release day for students with buses leaving campus at 2:30. XLIS staff will be leading different sessions for other staff members.   2. Start of ECAs – Thursday, 7th September XLIS proudly announces the start of its…

August Updated Events

Whole School Events   1. Orientation Week for XLIS 2023-2024 School Year Embrace A New Start of 2023-2024 School Year   2. The First School Day of 2023-2024 School Year   3. MUN Club Members from XLIS Wins Multiple Awards   04. Fire Drill The purpose of a school fire drill is to allow staff and students…

A Visit from Westlake University

On August 28th, Yuanmeng XU, Associate Dean of Westlake Residential Colleges and a Doctor of Education degree from the University of Southern California (USC), visited Xi’an Liangjiatan International School.   Dr.XU has resided in the United States for 17 years and has substantive administrative experience in American state universities. In the afternoon, shegave a presentation…

MUN Club Members from XLIS Wins Multiple Awards

MUN Club Members from XLIS Wins Multiple Awards in Harvard Model United Nations China 2023   From August 18th to 21st, the Harvard Model United Nations China 2023 Conference was held in Guangzhou. Participating students discussed and debated international issues within the framework of the United Nations. Nineteen model union presidents from Harvard University ensured a high academic…