Whole School Events
1. Orientation Week for XLIS 2023-2024 School Year
Embrace A New Start of 2023-2024 School Year
2. The First School Day of 2023-2024 School Year
3. MUN Club Members from XLIS Wins Multiple Awards
04. Fire Drill
The purpose of a school fire drill is to allow staff and students to familiarize themselves with the fire evacuation procedures, and to reinforce fire evacuation routes and practices. One of the aims of a fire drill is to have the proper actions be an automatic response whenever the schools fire alarm sounds, and that all students and staff safely evacuate the building in an orderly and calm manner.
05. A Visit from Westlake University
06. PTA Core Members Meeting
On Aug 29th, we had the first XLIS PTA meeting of 2023-2024 Academic Year. There are 5 agendas shared and discussed as below:
1. PTA Review and Guideline
2. The Management of PTA WeChat Group
4. International Peace Day Initiatives
5. Introduction of New Changes at XLIS (Including the PTA Collaboration Room)
Primary School Events
1. Meet the Teacher night
We were so happy to meet so many parents at our Meet the Teacher event! Although our teachers are always available by appointment to discuss children in their class, this event is a nice way for the teacher and parents to get to know more about one another and the expectations / routines of the classroom.
Click here for more details.