Whole School Events
1. Summer Holiday Duration
Friday June 17th, 2022 marked the last day of the 2021-2022 academic year. The academic year of 2022-2023 starts on Monday August 15th, 2022, at regular times.
2. End of ECAs
3. PTA Core Members Meeting
4. Semester 2 Reports
Semester 2 Reports had been released on Managebac.
5. ACAMIS Chinese Conference at XLIS
Primary School Events
1. ECEB Graduation
Our ECE students will make the transition to P1 in August. We celebrated this transition with some songs, speeches and sharing of memories.
2. PYP Graduation
PYP students has finished their time in primary school. On that day we celebrated their journey and wished them the very best in our MYP program.
Secondary School Events
1. SDG Project Celebration
On June 2nd, the MYP 1-5 students presented their final Sustainable Development Goals culminating projects to the secondary students and teachers. The event was live streamed to show our students’ projects, dedicated to the SDG’s.
2. PYP-MYP Transition Event
On June 6th, we welcomed the PYP students and their parents to a special event where they found out about the MYP. All questions were answered.
3. Korean Parent Coffee Morning
4. DP1 TOK Exhibition
Our DP1 students have been exploring the wonderful world of knowledge in their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) classes. They created an exhibition which was a visual representation of their learning. MYP students and Secondary teachers visited the event and learned about TOK.
5. META Project Exhibition (MYP1-MYP4)
Throughout the year our MYP1 -4 students have worked on their META “passion” projects for one hour per week during their homeroom classes. The students have explored a wide range of topics and undertaken research of their topics. From 8:30- 9:25, our MYP One and Three students shared their projects with the MYP Two and Four students. From 9:30-10:25, the MYP Two and Four students shared their projects with the MYP One and Three students. This was a great opportunity for sharing and for our students to demonstrate their Creative and Critical Thinking and Communication Skills. We are proud of our students for demonstrating Twenty First Century skills and for managing time and organizing projects quite independently. Teachers have been mentors and guides on the side.
6. MYP Celebration
7. Kindness Day
This was our sixth year of running Kindness Day in the secondary. The Middle School Student Council planned some special entertainment and we invited everyone in the school to wear pink and perform random acts of kindness.
8. Secondary Subject Awards and Learner Profile Awards
Click here for more details.