Dear Parents,
Welcome to the first May letter! This month is a very busy one before we wrap up the year in June. There are many important events taking place in Secondary. These events aim to develop our students’ academic performance as well as their social skills.
Final Exams for DP2 and M5: Our DP 2 students have started their exams at the end of April- M5 students start their exams today 7th May and will go on till the 17th of May. Students are expected to come to school even on days when there are no exams; when we will have regular classes. Due to the exams, the SLCs conference for M5 students will take a different format- if parents want to contact teachers to discuss the student’s progress, they can do so and come with the students during their slot – 11:40-12:35 pm.
Work Experience: 20th May- 24th May: We are now looking for placements for our students- I would like to thank all parents who have offered to give a placement to our students. Students will send a letter of application soon with their introduction. Ms. Bella is in charge of all communications- you can always contact her and copy me if you are prepared to host our students.
Student-Led Conferences: This event will take place on Friday 10th May. Homeroom teachers have already asked the students to remind their parents to attend this important event. This is an opportunity to hear your students talk about their learning experiences and make connections to real-life situations. Every student has prepared a poster and will present it to their parents. Every year, our students are proud to talk about their learning journey, and we hope to see as many parents as possible. This is a great opportunity to share the pride of your children in their achievements. The order of the day is as follows:
8:30-10:30: M1-M3 parents and students.
8:30-8:40 am there will be a short welcome in the 3rd auditorium after which the parents will follow the homeroom teachers and the students will present their posters to their parents.
10:40-12:40: M4-M5:
There will be a short welcome note in the 3rd auditorium after which students will go to their homerooms and present their posters to their parents. M5 parents can come and chat with the teachers and the students.
13:25-14:30: DP 1 students and parents will go directly to the homerooms and the students will talk to their parents about their learning.
Summer Fair:
On Saturday, we have our annual Summer Fair – an event that brings the whole school community together. Students and teachers have come up with exciting activities and performances. We look forward to seeing a lot of you. The day will unfold as follows:
8:30 AM: Start of Event: Tent Activities & Visual Arts Exhibit
8:45 AM: Start of XLIS Performances
9:00 AM: Start of Creative Visual Arts Activities
9:15 AM: Start of Open Mic performances
9:30 AM: Food Stalls Open
12:00 PM: End of Event
Finally, I would like to emphasize the importance of attendance in this important month. Students are completing assessments in all subjects and missing classes will impact their learning. We count on your support on this matter.
If you have any queries or concerns, contact me at
For any information regarding the Work Experience Week, please contact Ms Bella at
Jaimala Quinlan.