The central idea of this unit is ‘we use media to connect and communicate with others.’ Students have been working on different forms and techniques of media, and how media influences us throughout this unit. As one of the ALT skills is self-management, we also invited a guest speaker to talk about the Cyber Security and how to stay safe online.
For students, the most exciting part of this unit is preparing and doing the GRASPS summative assessment. What is GRASPS summative assessment? GRASPS is a model for our summative assessment to give students an authentic learning experience, which helps learners to make connections to the real world.
from the website, will make references at the bottom) GRASPS is an acronym for
states the problem or challenge to be resolved.
explains who students are in the scenario and what they are being asked to do.
who the students are solving the problem for, who they need to convince of the validity and success of their solution for the problem.
provides the context of the situation and any additional factors that could impede the resolution of the problem.
Product, Performance, and Purpose:
explains the product or performance that needs to be created and its larger purpose.
Standards and Criteria for Success:
dictates the standards that must be met and how the work will be judged by the assumed audience.
We worked together with students to unpack the GRASPS summative assessment by going through each item and let students to share their understandings to make sure everyone knows how to conduct the assessment. The criteria for rubric are all from the Ontario learning outcomes we covered in this unit. After the mini workshop of the GRASPS summative assessment, students were first grouped with mixed nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Then, they started making the plan for their final project as a group (All group members need to take different roles and be responsible for your work). After they decided their roles and responsibilities, then teacher had a circle time with each group to brainstorm ideas for their summative assessment plan, which will be the guidance for going further on their assessment. The plan shows ‘who will be the target audience’, ‘what is the purpose of making the advertisement’, ‘what is the form of the media’, ‘how will you collect the materials, such as pictures and background music’, ‘how will you edit the advertisement’, ‘how are you going to promote XLIS’, ‘how do you manage the time’…
Students said that we can use the IB Learner Profile Attributes as the storyline. And some groups shared that we could make a video for one student’s ‘one-day’ school life at XLIS. And one student said we can start the advertisement with different languages to show people we are open-minded. When they finished the plan and talked to the teacher, then it was time to collect materials. Students will ‘lead’ teachers to go around our school for collecting materials. They went to different places to get pictures and videos they need for the advertisement and some of them were also acting in the video to make a story line.
Chick here to check the advertisement made and designed by our students. Do you want to come to XLIS after watching the video?
Julia Fan (P4C Homeroom Teacher, PYP Chinese Assistant Coordinator)