It is with a heart full of joy and enthusiasm that I share with you today the improvements that I have witnessed during the 2021 second semester’s Extra Curricular Activities. Our program continues to provide experiences designed to enrich the intellectual, social, physical and emotional growth of your child. These opportunities for learning are designed in accordance with your child’s grade level and interests in mind.
Academic Achievement
The XLIS ECA program positively impacts our students’ academic achievements. In Language ECAs and academic ECA classes, students have experienced and explored various forms of new knowledge and its use through conversation, debates, projects, presentations, and more. These classes also support students to improve on reading, speaking, writing and mathematical skills. Therefore, our ECA program has become a way for students to enhance their daily learning.
Social and Emotional Development
Our ECA program focuses on improving our students’ social, personal, and communication skills through our Visual Art, Performing Arts, and Esports ECAs. These classes help improve the students’ self-esteem as they learn, practice, and share their ideas together through collaboration.
Health and Wellness
Our Sports ECAs have also shown that carefully constructed afterschool programs can contribute to a healthy lifestyle by increasing our students understanding of the importance of exercise and nutrition. Many sports ECAs including Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Baseball, Swimming, Fitness Club, Table Tennis, and Tennis drive our students to take better care of themselves as they explore the concept of wellness.
The biggest impact that I have seen this semester is how community is built by both the ECA teachers and our students. By exploring the benefits of team work and leadership under their teachers’ guidance, students not only discover new interest and talents, but also gain a sense of confidence that transfers to everything they do in their daily lives. Moreover, the strong bonds that are formed between students, their peers and their teachers continue to cement the spirit of life-long learning at XLIS.
- PYP Basic Chinese Characters (Lower Primary)
- Mandarin Debate
- Chinese Math
- Read to Success
- XLIS Student Choir
- Arts & Craft
- Visual & Critical Studies (V&CS)
- Early Year Movement & Dance
- Drama
- Ballet Dance
- Pop Dance
- Creative Cooking
- Drum
- PYP Basketball
- Volleyball Club
- Soccer Team
- PYP Baseball
- Swimming
- Table Tennis (Primary)
- Table Tennis (Secondary)
- Tennis
- Golf
- eSports
- Lego Robot
- 3D Printing
- Model Airplane
- STEM Club
Finally, XLIS’ ECA team remains committed to continuing to provide our students with an engaging and fun ECA program, while ensuring their health and safety. We look forward to the future and to the improvements that will come with each semesters’ ECA program!
Click here to check more ECAs.
Pyoung Gang Kim (Head of Performing Arts & ECA)