01 – “Blue Dragon Cup” Swimming Competition
Wednesday, May 5th
Xi’an Liangjiatan International School held the first “Blue Dragon Cup” swimming competition on May 5th, 2021 (Wednesday). 63 students from the primary school and 27 students from the middle school competed fiercely. In the end, P6B and M4A won the first place in the primary and middle school groups respectively.
02 – Regular PTA Core Members Meeting
Thursday, May 13th

03 – Student Led Conferences
Friday, May 14th
PYP, MYP and DP students shared their learning journey with their parents. They talked about their conceptual understanding and made connections with the real world. They spoke in English and in their mother tongue. Students displayed their learning visually through individual representations.
04 – XLIS Dormitory Open Day
Thursday, May 20th
On May 20th, our school held its first Dormitory Open Day. 12 XLIS parents visited the dormitories for the first time and listened to the boarding program introduction of the 2021-2022 academic year and toured the facilities and student apartments. The parents were very enthusiastic and supportive and played an important and positive role in building and developing our XLIS residential community.
05 – The 3rd Principal Workshop of Xi’an High-Tech Zone
Friday, May 21th
On May 21st , 2021, the 3rd principals workshop in Xi’an High-Tech Zone took place in XLIS’ Blue Dragon Theater. It featured both Mr. Sun Xiaobing (previous Director of Policy Research and Legislation Construction Department in Ministry of Education, China) and the Head of XLIS, Dr. Liu.
06 – Summer Fair and Concert
Saturday, May 29th
XLIS held its annual Summer Fair on the 29th of May 2021. This year’s Summer Fair not only included its awe inspiring “Musical Gala” and its international food court, but also a visual art gallery which featured student artwork from across all year levels. In addition, students form the secondary school presented some of their SDG achievements while the Primary 6 students showcased their preliminary PYP Exhibition work.
01 – Assemblies
7th May, 14:40-15:20-P5C-Blue Dragon Theater
21th May, 14:40-15:20-ECEB1-Small Theater
28th May, 14:40-15:20-Principal-Blue Dragon Theater
During the assemblies, students from different year-level actively displayed what they had been learning during their units of inquiry (UOI). They typically focused on a transdisciplinary theme and shared their knowledge pertaining to concepts, ATLs (Approaches to Learning), action, and made connections with the IB Learner Profile attributes.
02 – PYP Parents Coffee Morning
Monday, May 10th
Mr. Eric and Ms. Maria introduced how they lead Mathematics and in practice money in our project of inquiry.
03 – Make Fair
Tuesday, May 18th
The Maker’s Fair was held in Dragon’s Ascension Main Gym at XLIS on 18th of May 2021. Students showed their DIY creative works and innovations with each other. In addition, they enjoyed playing with drones, 3D printing, robots football games and other technologies. In the fair, students enjoyed interacting with their peers and their projects. The Maker’s Fair provided an opportunity for the students to achieve more in their creative journeys thus building a strong “maker’s culture.”
02 – Final Match of XLIS Inaugural Xi’an Elementary Basketball League
Saturday-Sunday, May 22th-May 23th
The Inaugural Xi’an Elementary Basketball League initiated by Richie Li from our PSPE Department consists of five teams from three international schools in Xi’an. After a few weeks of league matches, the final match was held on May 22 at the XLIS campus. Two teams from XLIS finally won the first and second awards. Congratulations!
01 – MYP Personal Project Exhibition
Friday, May 7th
Personal Project (PP) is the culminating project of learning for the Middle Years Program five years. Through this project, students have been encouraged to practice and strengthen ATL skills, consolidate prior and subject-specific knowledge and skills, and, most importantly, develop personal interests and passions. The PP is a year-long project-based learning journey that provides a platform for young adults to focus on personal, experiential, and independent learning.
8:30-17:00 On May 7th in big gym, we showcased their product outcomes and celebrated. Congratulations to the MYP Year 5 students on the successful completion of the Personal Project 2020-2021.
02 – MYP Celebration
Thursday, May 13th
This was a special student event for the MYP5’s. These dynamic, brilliant, fun-loving group of students showcased their talents and enjoyed a celebration of the end of the 5-year middle school program. Now looking forward to their transition to the DP.
03 – Middle School SDG Speech Contest
Friday, May 14th
On May 14th, the first Middle School SDG English Speech Contest, driven by the middle school student council, was successfully held at XLIS. The students were chosen by their English teachers and demonstrated risk-taking, critical and creative thinking and communication.
04 – Secondary Spring Concert
Wednesday, May 19th
The secondary students showcased their talents in this event in the afternoon, celebrating their musical talents. The concert was filled with original compositions, classics and classical music. Our students’ stars shone bright.
05 – DP Graduation
Friday, May 21th
The class of 2021 walked across the stage in their caps and gowns and received their XLIS diploma. There were speeches, pagentry and a big celebration for our graduating class and their families. All secondary students attended the ceremony and a private reception was held for graduates and their families and teachers after the event.
06 – SDG Projects and Exams
Monday, May 24th-Friday, May 28th
MYP 1-5 students were engaged in Sustainable Development Goals projects for one week. The students focused on the 17 biggest issues facing the world today. At the end of the week, students presented their projects.
07 – Week Without Walls Shaanxi
Thursday-Thursday,May 31th-June 4th
This year the secondary headed off on 6 trips in Shaanxi province. There were separate trips for MYP1, MYP2 and MYP3 and an MYP4/MYP5 trip and DP1/DP2 trip. Also there were a special high school trip for the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
08 – Online College Enrollment Lectures
Tuesday, May 4th, 11:00 BST / 18:00 HKT
BridgeU UK University Showcase, Part 1
Heard from University of Birmingham, Queen’s University Belfast, Lancaster University, Aston University, University of Exeter, and University of Central Lancashire.
Wednesday, May 5th, 09:00 BST / 16:00 HKT
An Introduction to International Scholarships & Financial Aid
This webinar covered how scholarships work in the most popular international destinations, to help you understand more about the options available to your students.
Thursday, May 6th, 16:00 BST / 11:00 EDT
BridgeU UK University Showcase, Part 2
Heard from University of Nottingham, University of Essex, University of Glasgow, Arts University Bournemouth, University of York, and Coventry University.
Saturday, May 1th, 16:00 CST
Studying at Oxbridge as a student from China
Students learned about the application process directly from a Cambridge University tutor as well as the experiences of a current undergraduate student at Oxbridge – there was nothing like hearing first-hand from a real student who has authentic insights.
09 – Secondary Teacher Shreya Sethi won “Wonder Teacher” Award
After more than one month of competition, Ms. Shreya Sethi, our Secondary Visual Arts teacher finally won the ‘Wonder Teachers’ Award from the top school Education Media.

Proofread by:
Lily Liu (Head of School)
Daun Yorke (Secondary Principal)
Brian Lalor (Primary Principal)
Echo Zhao (Head of Brand Development)
Alex Rambaud(Vice Principal)
Kriss Parker (Head of Logistics)
Amy Li (Head of Student & Parent Center)
Ali Ma (Student & Parent Center Officer)