A Rare Disease Exhibition at XLIS
Let the Rare Been Seen
On the occasion of the 17th Rare Disease Day (on the last day of February each year) in 2024, a meaningful exhibition of Rare Diseases was spearheaded by our dedicated PTA President, Mr. Hulbert Zhang, and his family, in collaboration with our PR staff.
Most people may not know much about rare diseases, however, rare diseases are no longer rare in our life nowadays. Currently, there are more than 7,000 known rare diseases in the world. There are more than 20 million rare disease patients in China, and the number is growing by 200,000 per year. The vast majority of rare diseases are congenital, chronic and often life-threatening.
Aligned with our school’s vision and mission, which prioritizes a student-centered and community-driven approach, this exhibition aims to celebrate the diversity of lives and foster respect for individual differences, which is a testament to our commitment to inclusivity, diverstiy and empathy, thus building a more positive, harmonious and cohesive international education community.
Exhibition Time:
Feb 29th – Mar 16th
Exhibition Venue:
Blue Dragon Lobby (might change the place during the ACAMIS J.r Swimming Competition)
Fate never appears, but governs everyone. As the video shows us that those who are diagnosed with the rare diseases are sometimes different from other people, but in the end we are all the same. For patients with rare diseases, they want to be treated as ordinary people around us, like our colleagues and friends, more than caring eyes and encouragement. No matter what kind of rare disease they have, they still want to live a wonderful life as it is supposed to be, like everyone else.
Respect them as we respect ourselves because we are all the same finally.
Let the rare be seen often.
Click here for more details.
Fancy Fan (Admin Officer)