April 2021 Upcoming Events
01 – Tomb Sweeping Day & Easter Holidays
Saturday-Sunday, April 3rd-April 11th
Starting on Saturday, 3rd April until Sunday, 11th April, the school will be closed for Tomb Sweeping Day and the Easter Holidays. We wish you all a safe and wonderful holiday.
02 – Regular PTA Core Members Meeting
Tuesday, April 13th
Note: This event is a private venture designed for PTA Core Members only. PTA Core Members will be notified accordingly.

03 – Sport Day
Monday, April 23th
XLIS’ 2021 Sport Day will be held on April 23th, 2021 (Tuesday). This event represents a great opportunity for students of all ages to showcase their athletic skills. This track and field event will include both divisions, the PYP and the MYP / DP students, and they will have separate events during the same day. More information will be shared with you shortly by Mr. Alexander Rambaud.
Note: If you have any questions, please contact us.
Contact: Mr.Alexander Rambaud (XLIS Vice Principal)
Email: alex.rambaud@xalis.com
04 – Primary Admissions Open Day (Maker Space)
Tuesday, April 17th
Please scan QR code to register XLIS Primary Admissions Open Day.

Primary School Events
01 – PYP Parents Coffee Morning
Monday, April 12th
Hosts:Primary Leadership Team
Venue:Black Box
Parents will be asked to bring examples of action from home. Mr Lalor and the Primary Leadership Team will be answering these questions.
Note: Parents will be warmly welcomed. Details will be sent to you via email by Mr. Lalor.
02 – PD PYP Inclusion Postponed
Thursday-Friday, April 1st-April 2nd
Due to travel restrictions Lee Ann Jung is unable to come to Xi’an. There will be normal school days.
03 – Assemblies
Primary assemblies enable students to actively display what they have taken from their units of inquiry during the year. Students have been working on a trans-disciplinary theme which focuses on knowledge, concepts, ATLs (Approaches to Learning), action and Learner Profile attributes. The schedule is as follows,
2th April, 14:40-15:20—Visual Arts (UP)
Blue Dragon Theater
16th April,14:40-15:20—Mandarin
Blue Dragon Theater
23th April, 14:40-15:20—ECEA
Small Theater
30th April, 14:40-15:20—P2A&P2B
Blue Dragon Theater
Note: Parents may join each assembly based on their children’s year-level. Parents please click the link below to find the date and time of your child’s class. (https://xalis.com/primary-school/)
Secondary School Events
01 – MYP/DP Dynasty House – Design Challenge
Thursday-Friday, April 1st-April 2nd
Students meet in Dynasty groups every Wednesday afternoon. They are competing in a Design challenge to design the 2nd floor of the school library and a garden for our green school roof.
02 – Online College Enrollment Lectures
April 1st & April 7th
Thursday, April 1st, 11:00 BST / 18:00 HKT
Career Showcase: Languages
In this session, students will hear about studying languages at university, and where it will take students in the future.
Wednesday 7 April, 09:00 BST / 16:00 HKT
Webinar: How to Help Students Narrow Down Their University Options
During this session we’ll be discussing best practices for helping students find their best-fit universities and course.
Note: If you have any questions, please contact the University Guidance Counselor, Kate Yu.
Email: kate.yu@xalis.com.
03 – 2021 “Zongheng Cup” International School Online Mandarin Debate Competition
Saturday,April 10th-Sunday,April-18
On April 10th, students from MYP3 to DP1 of XLIS will participate the International School Online Mandarin Debate Competition, through which they will perceive the power of critical thinking and enjoy the pleasure of their intellect with competitors from other international schools.
Note:Details will be sent via email by teachers of MYP. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Contact: Ms. Eunice
Email: eunice.hou@xalis.com
04 – PSAT MYP5
Wednesday, April 14th
Our students in MYP5 will take the PSATs in order to gauge their progress and for them to see whether they are ready for academic studies in DP and where they need to improve. This data also helps teachers to set goals to support the students. The students take part in these exams every year and they are registered in October through the College Board. The papers are marked by the College Board and they receive the results in June. Please contact our DP Coordinator, Jaimala Quinlan for information (jaimala.quinlan@xalis.com).
05 – Universities Representatives’ Visit to XLIS
Thursday, April 15th
The university representatives below will visit us and set up outside of the cafeteria during lunch time(12:40-13:30) on April 15. It`s a good opportunity for the students and parents to communicate with admissions about their interests and concerns. Welcome all the secondary students and parents to talk to the representative(there is a variety of majors and programs you might be interested in or you might want to know more), and remember to grab a quick bite during lunch time.
Note:Please contact the University Guidance Counselor, Kate Yu for more details.
Email: kate.yu@xalis.com.
Universities Representatives:
Suffolk University
Baylor University
Kent State University
Li Cen
Liu Xiaofeng
University of Colorado Denver
San Mateo Colleges of Silicon Valley
Chen Gang
College of Saint Benedict & Saint John’s University
Benjamin Joseph Brown
06 – IBDP Exam
April 29th-May19th
The Diploma Programme is a two year course and the students sit for their final external exams at the end of April and May. Every year, DP2 students take part in these exams and the papers are marked by IB (International Baccalaureate) examiners. The results are issued in July and the results are also sent to the university where they have applied. Please contact our DP Coordinator, Jaimala Quinlan for information (jaimala.quinlan@xalis.com).

Proofread by:
Lily Liu (Head of School)
Daun Yorke (Secondary Principal)
Brian Lalor (Primary Principal)
Alex Rambaud(Vice Principal)
Luna Cao (Head of Brand Development)
Amy Li (Head of Student & Parent Center)
Ali Ma (Student & Parent Center Officer)