Unit of Inquiry
Our first theme this year is Who We Are. We will begin by discussing our personal preferences, things we find important, and how we take care of ourselves. We will expand this to include our families and compare what our families enjoy, find important, and take care of one another. Finally, we will relate all this into how we use our personal and family connections to form our friendships and communities and how we take all these things relate to our places in our communities.
Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are
Central idea: Our actions affect our relationships and the community.
Key Concepts:
1. Function – How does it work
2. Responsibility – What are our obligations?
3. Connection – How is it linked to other things?
Related Concepts: Friends, Family, Teamwork
Lines of Inquiry:
1. Our relationships in communities
2. Actions that build community
3. Contributing to our community
Learner Profile Attributes: Caring, Principled, Open-minded
Approaches to Learning:
Social Studies:
SS1.1.2 Play cooperatively in a group: sharing, taking turns.
SS1.2.1Be aware of own and others’ feelings.
Self-Management Skills:
SM1.3 Follow classroom routines.
During this unit, we will be starting to identify and express personal preferences in reading materials. We will start to make connections between our own experiences and the texts we read. We will also start to express personal preference in selecting texts.
We will look at categorizing and grouping information about our interests and our families and communities (school and home). We will also look at comparing quantity with “more,” “fewer,” and “the same” numbers.
Summative Assessment:
Goal: To show how our actions affect our relationships and the community
Role: A presenter to their peers
Audience: Peers in ECEB
Situation: Students will create a visual representation of their communities using materials of their choice (eg: poster, 3D diorama, photos, etc). Students must include significant relationships or communities in their work. When presenting to whole group (ECEB1 and 2 combined) students must verbally explain their ideas and possibly how they are connected.
Chinese/Korean integration: Students will be given the choice to verbally present work in Chinese (with Chinese speakers to a create representation of communities assistance) or Korean (with Ms Yuki’s assistance) or English. Students will work on learning experiences related to communities, relationships, good choices, and connection/cooperative tasks in PSPE lessons and homeroom.
Product: Presentation
· I can show how I am connected to my community
· I can describe the role of myself and others in the community
· I can take turns to present and listen to my friends presenting
· I can show how I am principled in my community
What can you do for your child at home:
Look at family photos and discuss who makes up our family and how people care for each other. Go for a walk around your community and talk about what community helpers you see and how they help you. Encourage your child to share in the responsibility at home (e.g. tidying their toys away, sweeping floors, choosing their clothes for school, etc.).