“In science, we don’t rely on hope or faith. We rely on data, experimentation, and reasoning.”
——The Big Bang Theory
XLIS successfully held the very first XLIS Science fairs on March 14th, 2023. XLIS gave students an opportunity to experience science in a different way. Students were encouraged to explore their passion for scientific inquiry, pursue their own ideas to solve problems that are of interest to them, and apply the scientific method to conduct independent research. Dr. Liu, the Head of XLIS, encouraged students to hold on their scientific dreams and believe in their power to build a better world for the future. The XLIS Science Fair selects around 80 projects from a total of 21 categories to present. The winners of the XLIS Science Fair could move on to compete in the ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) Regional Science Fair.
Our day of Primary Science Fair had three main components: Hallway Exhibition, Exploration Activities, and a visit to the Secondary Science Fair.
Hallway Exhibition
From our ECEA class all the way to our P6 classes, student inquiries lined the hallways to showcase the learning that happens in Primary School. While some classes had group projects on display such as exploring the life cycle, forms of energy, and chemical change such as the “volcano experiment”, some students in upper primary decided to create their own science experiments, including methane gas production and water filtration. What all of the projects had in common was a demonstration of the process of learning for our students and their development in their approaches to learning (ATL) skills, including research, thinking, communication, and presentation skills.
Exploration Activities
Our students were eager to try some hands-on activities that had been set up in our small gym by our ECA providers. They are currently running several of our Science and Maker Thinking ECA’s on Tuesday and Thursday. Our students had so much fun as they used a 3D printing machine and pens, controlled robots, had competitions with Lego-cars, and Lego pinball machines, and saw some amazing Lego sculptures. These activities were appropriate for our students all the way from ECEA to P6. It was enjoyed by all!
Secondary Science Fair
As we work towards our second school-wide goal of aligning our curriculum vertically throughout PYP, MYP to DP, part of the process of learning for our students is to experience what learning at other stages looks like. The P2 – P6 classes were invited to the Secondary Science Fair in the big gym where they had the opportunity to see the kinds of things they will be making in a few years’ time. Many of the primary students were amazed by the projects completed by their older peers and especially loved seeing the baby ducks!
Children are naturally curious and have questions about the world they see around them. A day such as this nurtures that curiosity and encourages our students to feel empowered to explore some possible answers to those questions. Our school’s vision is to lead education through innovation and a student-centered, community-driven approach, and we are achieving this through events like XLIS Science Fairs together with our everyday teaching. Through the XLIS Science Fair and Science Education, we encourage the next generation of thinkers, scientists, and innovators. We look forward to another brilliant Science fair next year!
Click here for more details.Authors:Marly Song (Primary Principal)
Marly Song (Primary Principal)
Kelvin Tian (DP Chemistry and MYP Science Teacher, Science Subject Area Leader)