Whole School Events
Saturday, 25th January – Sunday, 9th February
Chinese New Year Holiday
From Saturday, January 25th to Sunday, February 9th, the school will be closed for the Chinese New Year Holiday. We wish you all a safe and wonderful Chinese New Year.
Thursday, 13th February – Saturday, 15th February
ACAMIS Green Division Basketball Tournament
XLIS will host the 2025 ACAMIS Green Division Basketball Tournament from February 13th to February 15th. All six Green Division schools will travel to Xi’an for three days of intense basketball competition and fun social activities. Being a member of the ACAMIS Green Division is an excellent opportunity for our students to build lasting friendships with their peers from Changchun, Hangzhou, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. Let’s go Blue Dragons!
Tuesday, 25th February
PTA Core Member Meeting
The February PTA meeting schedules on February 25th, all PTA members are invited to participate, main agendas will be shared out soon.
Wednesday, 26th February
Early Release PD
During the early release professional development, we will focus on curriculum mapping as some of our standards have been updated. The PD will have two parts, Science and Language. Starting in February, teachers will start looking at the new curriculum documents and creating the new units for the 2025-2026 year. This will likely be worked on during all of our divisional meetings in Semester 2.
Thursday, 27th February
Start of ECAs
The XLIS Extra Curricular Activities Team is excited to announce the start of the 2024-2025 second-semester ECAs! A wide range of engaging activities will be available for students of all ages every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Please note that buses will depart the school at 16:40 on ECA days. We look forward to another fantastic semester of fun and enriching activities at XLIS!
Primary School Events
Each Friday one of our homeroom classes has the opportunity to showcase what they have been learning! This is a student-led event that is supported by the teachers. The parents of the class that is presenting will be invited to join the audience.
21st February, 14:40 – 15:25, P2C, Blue Dragon Theater
28th February, 14:40 – 15:25, P3A , Blue Dragon Theater
Saturday, 15th February
Early Years and LP School Open Day
On Feb 15th, XLIS will organize the Early Years and LP School Open Day to invite external prospective families whose kids are in Early Years and Lower Primary joining to immensely experience the IB curriculum and have a deeper understanding about XLIS. The registration will be released soon. Please stay tuned!
Wednesday, 19th February
Primary Parent Workshop
Online Platforms Used in the PYP at XLIS
Join us for an informative workshop focused on the online tools and platforms used in the PYP at XLIS to support student learning and enhance communication. We will explore ManageBac, IXL, Raz Kids and SeeSaw, highlighting their features and benefits. This workshop is intended for new to XLIS parents and is a great chance to familiarize yourself with these essential tools and ask questions.
Secondary School Events
Thursday, 13th February
Secondary Parent Workshop
Extended essay in DP and -portfolio in MYP
The workshop will provide more insight into the details of how the process for the extended essay works. The Extended essay and e-portfolio being mandatory requirements for obtaining the diploma and the MYP certificate respectively is of prime importance. Both these components require strong self-management, research and communication skills and the workshop will demonstrate how these skills are built. Our team will also provide guidance on how parents can support their children at home for this.
Click here for more details.
Author: XLIS