Dear Parents,
At XLIS, we aim to educate the whole child. We are aware that students’ bodies are going through changes as they move from childhood to adulthood and therefore, we are commencing special units on Personal, Sexual and Social education at each developmental level in the secondary school. The sexual health education unit was developed based on the Ontario Health Curriculum. Developmentally appropriate topics to do with human sexuality, emotional health and healthy relationships will be covered at each MYP level. Physical and Health Education Department teachers will work with the school counsellor and lead the sessions on specific topics that are best divided by gender.
Topics covered in MYP1 (Jan 15th – Feb 2nd, 2024):
- Puberty and its effects on relationships
- The impacts of viewing sexually explicit material
- Consent
- The effects of stereotypes on gender roles and sexual orientation
Topics covered in MYP2 (Jan 15th – Feb 2nd, 2024):
- Puberty and its effects on relationships
- Consent
- Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections
- Factors that affect decisions related to sexual health
As the topics that will be covered are of a sensitive nature, we respect a parent’s decision whether his/her child should attend these classes. If you do not wish for your son or daughter to attend this series of classes, please send an email to Ms. Jaimala Quinlan ( and we will provide them with supervision while these classes are taught.
Do not hesitate to contact any of us if you require any more information.
Jaimala Quinlan
Head of Secondary