Whole School Events
01. XLIS Book Fair
On Thursday and Friday (November 25-26) XLIS hosted a book fair supplied by Share Kids Books of Beijing. Students and teachers alike were excited at the opportunity to acquire some new reading material. Total purchases came to over 40,000 yuan. This allowed our library to acquire 4,000 yuan of titles from the book fair offerings that will soon be available for students to borrow. More information about Share Kids Books and online purchasing can be found at https://www.sharekidsbooks.com/.
Primary School Events
02. Primary Swimming Tournament
XLIS held the 2nd “Blue Dragon Cup” swimming competition on November 2nd, 2021. This event saw a total 157 primary students competing fiercely in our Olympic-sized swimming pool, to the exhilarating cheers of their peers. P4C, P5B and P6A were all crowned as first-place winners in their year levels. Through participating in these types of standardized swimming events, students experienced the charm of competition and the fun of sports, while also discovering the spirit of teamwork. Click here for more details: The 2nd “Blue Dragon Cup” Swimming Competition at XLIS!
03. PYP Parent Coffee Morning
Secondary School Events
01. MYP Coffee Morning
The workshop was focused on how we encourage students to lead the learning in the Secondary.
02. Mental Health Awareness Day Led by MYP and DP Students
November 17th saw the first ever XLIS Mental Health Awareness event. Our students have resoundingly said their mental health and wellbeing are important and the pressures faced by students require attention.
They have been brainstorming the common issues and how best to support their peers in SA (Service as Action) and CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service). The event took place on campus at various locations chosen by the students. Each student signed up to two 30 minute workshops / sessions based on their interests and needs.
These workshops / sessions including peer mentoring, brother-sister systems, snowball activity, music, art, exercise, and meditation were just a few of the sessions on offer. Anxiety, stress, depression etc. were issues that effected us all and this event was an important step in making these topics part of daily conversation.
03. Learner Profile Assembly
04. The Giving Tree
Click here for more details.