World Without Borders:
The Adventure of the Week Without Walls
By Mr Matthew Lu
MYP Chinese Language Acquisition and Language & Literature Teacher
Exploring New Cultures and Embracing Nature
By William Fan M1A
First, I would like to share some cultural identities and ways of living. Although I am Chinese and I travelled through the countryside before, I still got to know and understand what life is like in the countryside. It is also the first time that I got to talk and interact with people in the countryside. I also think that even though we are in the same province our way of living is exactly not the same the villagers lived happily and are really relaxed in the countryside. They also get a close interaction with nature, they are also satisfied and lived with happiness without modern technologies, fancy cloth and other physical features that could make us comfortable and convenient. At last, we even tried living as a caveman we built shelters and made fires in the open wild with no man-made materials.
I think my first Week Without Walls experience went really successfully, and I am really looking forward to next year’s.
Reflections on Gratitude and Perspective
Lily Kang – M1B
We worked on the center’s garden during the day and we got to meet the children after the dinner. They were all new faces, but it was so great to meet them all like old friends. Their living environment wasn’t as satisfying as mine or that of my classmates. However, this experience came to me as a meaningful and important lesson that tells me how lucky I am. So, from now on, whenever the thought of giving up comes up, I will think of the ones who are not as lucky as me. I will work harder and enjoy my life.
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