Whole School Events
Thursday, 12th December
End of ECAs
On Thursday the 12th of December, 2024, our ECAs for the first semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year, will come to an end. The XLIS ECA team will email you a satisfaction survey for you to complete. We hope that our ECA program continues to support the growth of your child(ren) at XLIS!
Saturday, 14th December
Christmas Concert 2024
Christmas time is here again! This year, the XLIS Christmas celebrations are guaranteed to bring “Joy to the World!”Join us at the Ritz Carlton for a Tree Lighting Ceremony featuring the XLIS Choir, on Friday November 29th at 6:30PM. Also, do not miss our Christmas Concert and Market on Saturday December 14th, 2024. Our Christmas market will open at 8:30 and will feature international delicacies that can be purchased and savored onsite! Our primary concert will begin at 9:30 and our secondary school concert will start at 11:30. The event will close its doors at 12:30.
Tuesday, 17th December
PTA Core Member Meeting
The December PTA meeting schedules on December 17th, all PTA members are invited to participate, main agendas will be shared out soon.
Saturday, 21st December – Sunday, 5th January
Christmas Break & New Year’s Day Holiday
Our school’s Christmas Break and New Year’s Day Holiday is observed from the 21st December, 2024 to 5th January, 2025. We welcome our students and staff back to school, on Monday the 6th of January 2025!
Primary School Events
Each Friday one of our homeroom classes has the opportunity to showcase what they have been learning! This is a student-led event that is supported by the teachers. The parents of the class that is presenting will be invited to join the audience.
· 6th December, 14:40 – 15:25, P2B, Blue Dragon Theater
* Please note the December 20 P6B assembly has been postponed to a later date.
Wednesday, 18th December
Primary Parent Workshop
The parent workshop on December 18th is called “Inquiry to Action” and will be led by Ms. Julia Fan (our P6 Homeroom and Upper Primary Lead teacher) and Ms. Nicola Crossfield, our PYP Coordinator.
This workshop aims to help parents understand how XLIS implements inquiry learning practices and how students can develop essential critical inquiry skills through each unit. We will also share strategies for parents to initiate inquiry learning projects at home.
Secondary School Events
Friday, 13th December
Secondary Parent Workshop
This workshop is to explain different subject choices on offer to our current M5 students. Our DPC, Ms. Eva Liu will run the session. This parent workshop would be a build up to the course selection fair that would happen on December 16th. We strongly suggest that our M5 parents come to this workshop to get a better understanding of how subject choices in the DP will also influence future decisions on college majors.
Monday, 16th December
DP Subject Fair
On 16th of December, Ms. Eva Liu and Mr. Shameek Ghosh will be leading the DP Subject Fair for our M5 students and parents, designed with consideration of feedback from the parent workshops and student surveys. The goal of this event is to provide a comprehensive overview of the DP structure, core requirements, and subject offerings, empowering students and parents to make informed decisions about DP subject selection. Students would complete a course selection following this subject fair.
Friday, 20th December
M5 PP exhibition
On 20th of December, our M5 students will showcase their personal projects to our secondary community. The PP is a culmination of their efforts that they have taken throughout the past year. Our students have had a variety in the type of projects undertaken including a variety in the products that have been produced. Through this process, our students have enhanced their skills in academic writing, ATL skills and critical thinking.
Click here for more details.
Author: XLIS