Dear Parents ,
Good morning XLIS community!
We are very excited and happy to be starting the second semester of the 2024 – 2025 academic year at XLIS! First, I would like to extend a big welcome to our new students and their families! I enjoyed meeting each of our 16 new PYP students as they arrived on Monday morning and was so happy to see how easily they all transitioned into their new classes and connected with their buddies. I hope they make many new friends and settle in quickly!
In today’s email you will find information about several upcoming events:
Semester One Report Cards
On January 10th, you received your child’s Semester One Report Card through Managebac. Please download this document and read it carefully. Remember, we do not give letter grades in the PYP. The 1, 2, 3 numbers you see beside the learning outcome indicate where your child is in their understanding and ability to demonstrate their learning. A ‘1’ stands for ‘emerging’, meaning he or she is just beginning to understand and may need support from the teacher. A ‘2’ stands for ‘developing’, meaning they have started to show their learning and understanding of the skill but still may need support at times. A ‘3’ represents ‘demonstrating’ which indicates the child has shown they understand and are able to explain or show the skill independently.
Parent Teacher Conferences
After a reporting period, we give the teacher and parent the opportunity to discuss the student’s learning and progress. Tomorrow, Wednesday January 15th, you have a 15-minute time slot assigned to you. Please come to the school at that time and bring any questions you may have about your child’s learning. Our single-subject teachers (PSPE, Mandarin, Music, Visual Arts) are also available on this day. You may email them to set up a time. Please note, there are no classes for students this day and there will not be any child supervision at the school. It is best if the children are left at home or with a caregiver.
Assessment period
For the three weeks between Christmas and Chinese New Year, our teachers are busy gathering data on student progress. In the Early Years, children’s progress in ‘writing’ (such as pencil grip, clarity of pictures they are drawing, telling stories, some letter formation) and mathematics (number sense) will be assessed. From P1 – P3, all students will complete a CORE phonics assessment to ensure they have the foundational skills for learning to read. They will also complete the IXL mathematics and Ontario writing assessments. From P4-P6 students will complete the Fountas and Pinnell Reading Benchmark assessment to determine their reading level along with the IXL mathematics and Ontario writing assessments. All of this data should be collected by January 24th and data will be shared with our parent community in the first week back to school in February.
CNY celebration
Our Mandarin department has been busy preparing for our Chinese New Year celebration that will take place on January 22nd. Each year level will have an hour to explore a Chinese traditional activity. Due to space limitations and our growing student population, only one parent for each Early Years student may attend the event. Unfortunately, the parents of the higher year levels will not be able to attend this time. There will be some traditional Chinese treats that could be bought by students, so you may send your child to school with a small amount of pocket money (20 – 40 RMB should be plenty).
P6 Exhibition
An exciting time is approaching for our P6 students as they are looking ahead to the very important P6 Exhibition which marks the end of their PYP journey. Please see this message from our PYP Coordinator Ms. Nicola about how you may be able to get involved:
Dear XLIS Community,
In the final year of the Primary Years Program (PYP), students participate in a culminating project called the PYP exhibition. The exhibition is a shared learning effort, and we encourage XLIS community members to support our students. Your involvement helps enhance their learning experience and promotes a positive environment for both students and teachers.
We are looking for parents who can share their expertise either as guest speakers or to participate in interviews with student groups. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated!
If interested please complete the survey linked below by January 24th, 2025. A member of the P6 team will reach out to those who volunteered after the Chinese New Year holiday.
Thank you for your support!
The P6 team
Ms Julia:
Mr. Boel:
Mr Loubser:
Ms Nicola:
That marks the end of my letter today. I will not write again before the Chinese New Year holiday so I wish you and your family good health as we ring in the Year of the Snake. Have a lovely holiday!
Marly Song
Primary Principal
WeChat: principal_marly