Dear Parents,
Good morning, I hope you are doing well.
Last Friday, we have sent home the progress reports, which are formative and give you guidance on learning attitudes, habits and aptitude. It is essential to read the progress report along with your child to understand how we can all help together.
Parent Teacher Conferences
We have our parent teacher conferences this Wednesday on the 23rd of October. The morning slot is for middle school and the afternoon slot is for High school. You would have received sign up sheets from your child’s subject teachers to have a slot to meet them. Kindly be punctual and maintain the time slot you have signed up for.
Should you require to meet any teacher again, please make another appointment separately and we will be happy to arrange. We are always happy to meet you.
Parent Workshops and Open days
Thanks for your support so far for our parent workshops and open days. We will continue to have these. We are also having our open days. Please watch out for communication from PR on this. Attending these events allow you to get a better understanding on how the school curriculum works and how you can support your child at home.
Literacy and Culture Week (October 28-November 1)
We will celebrate our literacy and culture week. This will be full of different kind of activities in your children’s classes. Each department would be looking at building literacy from their own perspective. Some examples are the Spelling bee competition that each grade level in Middle school is having and scientific literacy events that would be organized by the science team.
Dress Code
XLIS has a dress code policy. As the weather gets colder, it is crucial to stay warm. I have been noticing that there are students who are not coming to school in uniform. Please ensure that your children have the right uniform. The school’s online uniform store has sufficient uniform and it is possible to purchase.
Shameek Ghosh
Secondary Principal, XLIS