November Updated Events
Whole School Events 1. PD and Early Release We are so fortunate to have so many resources at XLIS, but our greatest resource is our staff. They led a number of fantastic professional development workshops on these days. Our staff had agency to choose two workshops to attend. A full list of the workshops offered…
December Upcoming Events
Whole School Events 1. Friday, 1st December The XLIS Angels’ Choir Christmas Carol Concert and Tree Lighting Ceremony at The Ritz Carlton Time: 6:00PM. Location: The Ritz Carlton Join us at the Ritz for what has now become a Christmas tradition for our XLIS Choir students! 2. Tuesday, 12th December PTA Core Members Meeting The December monthly…
“Blue Dragon Cup” Primary Swimming Championship Competition
Xi’an Liangjiatan International School 2023 4th “Blue Dragon Cup” Primary School Swimming Championship Competition The 4th Blue Dragon Cup Swimming Championship was organized by the Primary Section of Xi’an LiangJiaTan International School on November 9, 2023. Swimming competitions are an important part of the XLIS Physical Education curriculum program. Students were able to improve their competitive abilities…
Principal Email Week 15 – Secondary Principal November Letter 1
Dear Parents, We are now nearing the end of the 1st semester of this academic year 2023-2024. This has been a busy first half of the year and by now all our students are settled in their classes. The next weeks will be crucial for students- there will be summative assessments and we advise all…
Principal Email Week 15 – Secondary Principal November Letter 2
Dear Parents, This semester has flown by and we are in the last month before the Xmas holidays. Please make sure the students come to school till the last day of school as they will have to complete their summative assessments which will contribute to their report grades in the January reports. Our students…